Sunday, September 25, 2011

Urban Corridors around the World

URBAN CORRIDORs across the World

1. Central Asia:

the industrial corridor developing in India between Mumbai and Delhi, will stretch over 1500 km

2. South-East Asia

-the manufacturing and service industry corridor in Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur is
clustered within the Klang Valley

-1500 Km from Beijing to Tokya via POYONGYANG NORTH kOREA AND SEOUL
connects at least 77 cities with populations of 200,000 or more. More than 97 million
people live in this urban corridor, which links four separate megalopolises in four countries, effectively merging them into one

3. Africa:
the greater Ibadan-Lagos-Accra urban corridor - spanning roughly 600 kilometres linking Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana - is the engine of West Africa’s regional economy

Few more Mega Region development

1. China's Hong Kong-Shenzen-Guangzhou mega-region, home to 120 million people
2. JAPAN S Nagoya-Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe, likely to hold 60 million by 2015
3. BRAZIL S São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro mega-region where 43 million people now live


stimulating business, real estate development and land values along their ribbon-like development areas. These corridors are also improving inter-connectivity and creating new forms of interdependence among cities, leading to regional economic development growth.


However, the disadvantage is that, in some cases, urban corridors can result in a country’s capital being the only city of importance (known as urban primacy). This can result in unbalanced regional development as these capital cities strengthen their ties to existing economic centres (i.e. each other) rather than allowing for more diffused spatial development.


1. DMIC corridor

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2. The Nampo-Pyongyang corridor - North Korea
A strategic area for European investment in DPRK


There are major economic problems affecting the development of North Korean regions.
This corridor recognizes the importance of transport and logistics as key factors in regional economic growth.
Investment opportunity is determined by market size, industrial specializations, accessibility, and infrastructure provision and Government conclude that Nampo-Pyongyang corridor is best suited for investment by European companies and thus this corridor becomes the region for producing and exporting their goods and services.

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