Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Rationale for new Urban Growth
Looking at overall New Urbanisation
Rural-urban transformations are best facilitated when policy makers recognize the economic interdependence among settlements. Within a country’s hierarchy of cities, towns, and villages, each specializes in a different function and has
strong interrelationships with othersThe rationale for this is that, the State level Government should drive the policy for this type of urbanisation and Centre play the role of giving overall direction. There is no role of ULB
Prioritizing and sequencing of policies can help governments facilitate inclusive urbanization even in the early stages of development. For less urbanised areas- build density and reduce economic distance with spatially connective infrastructure. More more Urbnisized areas- build density, overcome distance, and address the economic and social divisions
Policy challenges become more complex with urbanization. Cities and towns provide fi rms and families the benefits of proximity, but the compactness of activity produces congestion, pollution, and social tension, which can offset those benefits.
Looking at Regional Development
Building integrated neighborhoods: a framework
The “thickness” of country borders is a selfimposed obstacle to development, with isolation increasing the economic distance to markets. Therefore, reduce the border thickness and connect Globally.
But most of the institutions or infrastructure needed to connect a region to the global economy are public goods, requiring collective action to overcome coordination problems and externalities
Three types of policy instruments for regional integration
Institutional cooperation
Reforms needed- legal system for equity investments, property rights, regulation, taxes, fi nance, infrastructure, corruption, and macroeconomic stability
Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, whose international competitiveness is seriously affected by high transport costs, are now exploring corridor approaches that have worked well elsewhere, as in Southeastern Europe
Regional infrastructure - reduce transport costs and connect it to global market.
Electricity, water, telephone lines, and Internet access all raise productivity but are severely inadequate in many developing regions .
Mobility-enhancing regional infrastructure – roads
Trade-enhancing regional infrastructure-
Coordinated incentives involving all the neighborhood’s stakeholders and donors from the leading world markets can promote factor mobility
Coordinated incentives can address market failures and disputes between countries in a
regional association Example- The Central American Common Market, created in 1960 by El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, faced periodic complaints about redistributing benefi ts to Honduras and Nicaragua.
Corridor Development
Investments in cross-country infrastructure to connect regional markets.
This is fundamentally different from, the regional development. Corridor Development envisions to create new uban centers with greater density rather than spread the urbanisation. Example – Mumbai, Pune, Nasik . In Corridor Development, Mumbai is getting replicated in Pune and Nasik.
Cross- broder corridor
The Maputo Development Corridor between South Africa and Mozambique was initiated in 1995 to rehabilitate the primary infrastructure network along the corridor (road, rail, port, and border posts), attract investment in the corridor’s catchment area
New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) spatial development initiative identified the Bas-Congo development corridor involving Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Republic of Congo as a region where deep integration would have large benefits
In West and East Africa: The Gulf of Guinea development corridor—linking Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Togo— could integrate West African economies through transport and energy . It could also connect fi ve large coastal cities with a critical mass of economic activities and administrative service provision: Abidjan, Accra, Cotonou, Lagos, and Lomé.
The Mombasa development corridor— linking the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda – To connect major urban centers.
If we look at all these projects, the main aim is to connect the Main cities and link main cities (coastal cities) with interior markets , increase investment though better infrastructure, greater factor mobility with good transportation, create industries in corridor linking them with exports, increase role of Global finances- IFI, MFI so that large increase in international financial will lead to more economic benefits and raise employment opportunities. To promote inter-related infrastructure and large-scale economic sectoral investments. ‘Densification’ of the corridors through the establishment of ancillary and feeder infrastructure to enlarge the corridor’s catchments area and beneficiaries, ‘Deepening’ of resource industries via resource linkages in industrial clusters
Perspectives about the Urban Spatial Structure: From Dichotomy to Continuum
Conventional perspectives about the urban spatial structure tended to represent the urban space in dichotomy with the rural space. They were considered two separate entities, albeit in interaction. The emerging perspective considers the urban spatial structure as a continuum composed of a variety of transitional structures between what can be considered purely rural and urban. The firsts are villages representing basic forms of urbanism in a rural setting. Then, a whole range of urban settlements ranging from towns to large urban agglomerations. The Extended Metropolitan Region (EMR; often labeled a metropolis) is a continuum of urban activities, often interwoven with rural activities, that includes a large urban agglomeration and a network of secondary (satellite) cities, often structured along a corridor.
Case of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor- DMIC
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Urban Corridors around the World
Water conflicts in BMIC region
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Alternative Water Allocation Mechanisms
Alternative Water Allocation Mechanisms: Indian and International Experiences
Author(s): Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Meyra Mendoza
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 31, No. 13 (Mar. 30, 1996), pp. A25
2. However, growing population and urbanisation, are putting pressures on transfer of water out of agriculture
In Urban center, the poor face a lot of problems and often end up paying high prices for domestic water supplies.
In nearby rural areas the problem is still more acute. They poor rural people many a times will not have access to potable water and sanitation services, and pollutants from disposal of untreated sewage and poor sanitation are becoming add to problem.
3. Now with growing industries , the demand for water has gone up and If Industries exists in rural areas then they polluted the water sources and water becomes unfit for consumption purposes.
Therefore , there are competing sectors for allocation (or transfer) of water and also one needs to address the problem of the degradation of the water resource base
This paper argues that - greater attention to the allocation of water ( water rights and decisions on when, how, and where water will be delivered).
Holistically deal with decisions on the use of water in different sectors, and a greater importance on Water rights and incentives of water users
Three types of alternative water allocation mechanisms:
(a) administrative allocation,
(b) user-managed allocation
(c) market allocation
Monday, September 19, 2011
Theoretical Arguments for New forms of Urbanisation
Sustainable Livelihood in Water Sector
Paper: The Rural Water Livelihoods Index
Caroline A. Sullivan*, Alasdair Cohen**, Jean-Marc Faurès** & Guido Santini**
A focus on wider water supply-livelihood linkages, e.g. through impacts on household labour and income generation, would lead to changes in the way water supply activities are conceived and implemented.
The purpose of the Rural Water Livelihoods Index (RWLI) is to provide a framework for assessment of water-related components which influence rural livelihoods, and can support rural poverty reduction.(lack of access of capital and result of deprivation these resources(Sen))
In terms of structure, the RWLI (Rural Water Livelihoods Index (RWLI))addresses four key aspects of rural livelihoods. These are:
1. Access to basic water services: Access to basic water
services includes access to clean and affordable water supply and to adequate sanitation.
2. Crop and livestock water security: Crop and livestock water security
is a measure of how agricultural activities are affected by climate variability and how resilient agricultural systems are to such variability, including droughts and floods. It is linked, in part, and where needed, with access to irrigation and livestock watering facilities.
3. Clean and healthy water environment: Clean and healthy water environment represents the water quality component of the index, in relation to human health and living conditions
4. Secure and equitable water entitlement: secure and equitable water entitlements are related to access to water, rights, and the degree to which the rule of law is present and equitably enforced.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
About The BMIC- Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor project
About The BMIC- Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor project
The concept of Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (BMIC) was developed to have an efficient infrastructure corridor between two cities Bangalore and Mysore, as well as to have planned and organized disposal of population through growth centres, which will acts as counter-magnets to the cities growth. The Government passed an order on 20-11-1995 for implementing the Corridor Project
The BMIC project comprises of the following:
1.Four lane Express way of 111 km length between Bangalore and Mysore with a Provision for extending the same to six lanes in the future [90m wide right of way]
2.Four lane (expandable to six lanes) southern section of peripheral road of 41 km length connecting Bangalore-Pune (NH-4) to Bangalore-Hosur (NH-7) [75m wide right of way]
3.Four lane link road of 9.1 km connecting "0" point of Express way to the junction of Chord Road (60m wide right of way)and Mysore road.
4.Elevated road of 3.1 km length connecting the link road to the city center
5.The Expressway will have 8 interchanges,the peripheral road will have 7 interchanges at the junctions with the various highways leading into the city and the link road will have interchange
6.Five new townships proposed along the BMIC i.e. commercial township, corporate township, industrial township, heritage township and eco tourism township.
The project area and its components pass through the jurisdiction of several Planning Authorities making it cumbersome and unwieldy to implement the corridor development in a comprehensive manner. In order to have a single window agency and facilitate a planned development of the corridor, the areas falling under different authorities in the corridor were taken and amalgamated to form a local planning area (LPA) under section 4 (A) (3) of the Karnataka Town & County Planning Act, 1961 (KTCP Act) comprises of a total area of 701 sq km which includes 125 revenue villages, 50 part villages vide GO No. UDD 377 MIB 98 dated 13-7-1999. Subsequently, the Government constituted a Planning Authority for the same u/s 4(c) of the KTCP Act called “Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor Area Planning Authority” (BMICAPA) vide Government Order 1999.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sustainability and Equity - Concepts
1. Sustainability and Equity
Each of these have two sides- Normative and Descriptive
Normative because , each states a desirable goal or criteria for evaluation
Descriptive because, each can be empirically observed / or measured
2. Each are lined and has both - ends and means
3. Equity - implies a better distribution of assets, opportunities, capabilities and enhancement of most deprived
Minimum definition of equity of water requirement must include adequate per capita water needed based on certain standards ( which are logical and rational)( ENDS)
Equity in access to water resources ( MEANS) are a precondition for gaining adequate and minimum water requirement.
4. Sustainability- Bruntland definition .
Has three broad components- Environment, Financial and Social
Environment Sustainability- preserving finite resources with long term view and not wasteful and polluting practices by growing urbanisation
Financial Sustainability - Sustainable financing of the project.
Social Sustainability - ability to maintain and improve livelihood by enhancing local and global assets and capabilities.
Negative side - Not able to cope up with stress, shocks ( From Sustainable Livelihood Approach)
Water dimension
Sustainability - of sources of water resources ( STOCK) is an END in itself.
Usage of water resources for future generation ( FLOW) is a means
In terms of resource productivity, actual practices of farmers, poor in rural are more sustainable with traditional usage of tanks, lakes etc for water requirement.
Equity in access to water resources by no means assures Sustainability resource use without good regulation for resource management and exploitation. ( Compared to Tragedy of Commons)
Implications of Bulk Water Transfer
A Case Study of the Melamchi Water Supply Project in Nepal
Dhruba Pant, International Water Management Institute (IWMI-Nepal)
Madhusudan Bhattarai, The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC)
Govinda Basnet, University of Georgia
1. Bulk Water Transfer has a great implication on the local water management and socio-economic relations in villages from where this Bulk water is transferred.
2. The Informal water management, traditional water management systems are very much effective in regulating water supply in the villages, but Bulk Water Transfer will change the scale of water transfer and power inequality between the organised public sector( Government - BWSSB) and unorganized marginal water users ( who in many cases have Common Property Rights)
3. Inter sectoral water transfer- which means transfer of water from rural to urban . This kind of water transfer also has great implications on the traditional water management systems in the villages. As many case studies such as Udaipur case study have shown that with introduction of Bulk Water Transfer leads to diminishing of traditional water management systems such as small tanks, ponds etc.
What are the changes in Water Rights Structure in a village?
4. Another implication is that - There are major institutional and policy concerns such as equitable sharing of resources, environment justice and overall technical and economic viability of project.
5. Public Policy issues and concerns of rural-urban transfer vary by scale of project , location and relative water scarcity
6. Effect - Socio-economic , hydrological, water management system, livelihood
7. Accompanying this kind of system are Institutional reforms with Centralized Governance systems for water distribution in the region ( Here it is entire BMIC corridor)
Major questions regarding this Institutional reforms are
a) What new policy /Act are passed ?
b) Any new Authority is created? If not, who now takes responsibility in water distribution?
c) Any amendments are made to present Acts/ Policy?
d) Who creates and owns these new assets?
e) What are the accountability mechanism in place?
f) How regulates i) Surface water ii) Ground Water
Basically looking at Institutional changes and Changing role of STATE.
8. Another issues is - Diversion of water from 1 basin to other ( Inter basin )
In BMIC region , there are 4 major rivers - Kaveri, Arkavaty,
iS Water going to be transferred from one basin to another?
Analysis of overall scenario of water use in basin, particularly in dry season.
9. The state government illegally committed 150 million liters per day of Cauvery water to the townships without consulting the Cauvery River Tribunal
10. Policy should reflect temporal and spatial variations of water availability and actual uses/scarcity scenario for various uses in the river basin.
Study should address the physical characteristics of river basins
Socio-economic features
11. Study should find out
- total population in region
- total annual water flow
- water requirements for basic drinking needs
- Land holding in the rural
12. Bulk water transfer, implies that less water in that place. Therefore this Paper brings out the speed with which farming community will adjust to new cropping patter which will suit low level of water supply.
Gives info on present cropping patter in each season.
13. This paper also brings implications of project in community Livelihood
14. Water Rights
- Customary rights - acquired thr years of usage
- Statutory rights - by Govt policies/ laws etc
How does Statutory Acts merge with existing traditional system
Priority of water use
- Drinking and Domestic
- Irrigation
- Industry
15. Paper also give info on -> Land rights go with Water rights in some cases and there are other arrangements such as Tenant farmer, construction workers and many more get water through some agreed terms .
Friday, September 16, 2011
Project/Self Study On BMIC Corridor- Habitat TISS
Jogging down all the ideas of Planning Concentration -Project cum Self Study on BMIC corridor in this blog.
Jul 19, 2011
Common Theme : To look at Institution of BMICLPA involved in implementing this project. Also the roles of other institutions such as BDA, BMRDA etc, the overlap in jurisdiction, conflict areas, other issues in the functioning of these institutions. Also to research in the positions of Authority is occupied by same Officials serving in different departments and what effect this has on decision making, overlap in jurisdiction in district of Ramanagara, Mandya and Mysore districts.
Also do a comparative analysis of Old and New Master Plan and few preliminary analysis
Theme 1:
Land Acquisition , R and R ....: Looking at distribution of the costs and benefits of this corridor developments among existing farmers, residents and private players etc . Study the social groups that will be made vulnerable by these transformations (like small farmers, landless agricultural workers). Looking at structure of these social groups ( whether they are small farmers, caste issues, their links to political leader to influence decision making etc)
1) how land has been acquired and the costs and benefits that have resulted, including resistance to acquisition and strategies of different groups including political strategies and coalitions formed?
2) To verify whether there is an official R&R policy, what it says and whether people have been rehabilitated and compensated as per this policy, analyzing the “Social justice” ( see how it is defined) of this?
Data sources for this- one is certainly field work and not sure of others
Theme 2: Water
Project required NICE to use approximately 150 MLD of water. This would disrupt the water supply of the city. Also, BMIC was supposed to get 85 MLD of waste water for various purpose. This would affect farmers severely who use this water for irrigation of their land. Looking at HC cases involving BWSSB related to BMIC
1) how decisions on water distribution and privatization are taken, by whom and on what basis, and estimating what are consequences?
2) Current and future possible sources of water (for eg is ground water used in majority), where they come from, tariff paid, internal differences in access within BMICLPA corridor (eg btw villages and township and between BMICLPA and other peripheral areas and/or core city.
3) Areas and points of conflict over water allocation to BMIC as studied through legal route (eg high court cases), if this is with regard to individual complaints or dispute btw sectors (eg agriculture vs industry or rural vs urban). or is it some other question
The water supply, if possible, should also not only cover but also not only cover the NICE Townships but also parts of BMIC LPA in the Bangalore - Bidadi - Ramanagaram - Channapatna belt i.e. the APZ - 1 mentioned in the Structure Plan of Bangalore Metropolitan Region. You may have to go through the Structure Plan which now has been revised.
data sources -BWSSB And need to check how I can access this data sources and there is a time constraint of 3-4 months
Combine Theme 1 and 2 especially in relation with the environment protection report that is supposed to have been prepared for the clearance of BMIC project.
Also I want to use GIS maps to show this output of this project in Interesting Maps
Sat, Jul 30, 2011
I did some preliminary research and found this
Rural Department side - INSTITUTIONS involved in Water Sector
Water Resources Department - irrigation and drainage + ground water
But domestic and drinking water issues ( also in rural) is Public health Engineering dept
Agricultural Dept and Water shed department- Water applications, sprinklers to farmers , but in some states PR and RD manages this
Industries Dept is concerned with utilisation an available of water
Large irrigation projects under a command area Development dept - looks at multi-disciplinary and multisectoral development of irrigation command areas.
Small water bodies an smaller land water related construction and maintainance works ( + han pumps for drinking water an domestic water use) falls under the ambit of PRI and thus rural developmet department.
Environment Dept- concerned with water quality and sufficient minimum flows in streams and rivers to ensure that impurities do net get concentrated in certian places.
Due to urban-rural linkages an the fact that at many places water from rural areas is transported to urban areas, UDD has to co-ordinate regarding rural water use.
Medical and health Dept - water borne diseases with saniaion and cleanliness..
I will try to link this info with Water Supply/ Distribution
Tue, Aug 9, 2011
Topic of Project: BMIC- Bangalore Mysore Infrastructure Corridor: A Critical look at Institutional Dynamics and Basic Service delivery with a Special case of Water Supply and Distribution
The Corridor development , A new kind of Urbanisation.
Why is Corridor development promoted? Studying the larger phenomenon of infrastructructure driven urbanization, such as urban growth corridors - why is there an emphasis on such forms of development?
What is driving this sort of development? what are the elements of such development /growth corridors? who develops?
Who are the Stakeholders involved. ( Doing a Stakeholder Analysis)
Creation of World Class cities on this Corridor ( 6 Township + Knowledge center are planned) these need high class infrastructure, basic services delivery. These will be connected Globally.
Many new Industries have come in in this corridor. Leads to more Urbanisation.
Then looking at service delivery of basic services to these centers and the effect it has on the villages in this corridor Ex- Water Supply and Distribution . Is this going to be sustainable? Is it going to be piped water supply? 24* 7 supply? How are pipes going to be laid? Will it lead to acquiring new lands apart from planned corridor? What about the 8 Lakes in BMR region? Can BWSSB use these to supply water. But sustainability of these sources is a question since these lakes are dried off? What are the cost implications of Supplying Kaveri Water to this corridor.
Will these township create pockets of high class vs low class with Big jumps, leaps in service delivery.
Now is there is huge shortage of supply of water in BMR will few sections be left out of this process? How and Why?
Then BWSSB can plan accordingly and bring Policy Intervention for better equity and Social Justice.
is Water for farming going to be diverted to World Class Towns? Then who is going to supply food if farm land are urbanised?
Institutional Dynamics
BMICLPA is the authority. Jurisdiction probs, overlap b/w BBMP, BDA, BMRDA , then 4 districts
BWSSB is giving water in BMR Region. This has two sides Eastern and Western sides. Eastern has few Water projs sanctioned
Then cuts across 4 districts.
What forms of new institutional arrangements are required? what are the emerging problems/contestations you may forsee with this kind of urbanization in terms of economic development, social inclusiveness, urban sprawl, strain on infrastructure, displacement of farmers, problems with land acquisition, etc
Rural Department side - INSTITUTIONS involved in Water Sector
What is the role of DC in co-ordination at Taluk level??
Looking at future projections of population, new infrastructure- water pipes, housing , swerage etc
Projection of Spatial growth of new towns, industries and overall urbanisation
Does this have an effect on Bangalore??
Also looking at new growth of Business in BMIC and opportunities lost to NH4 ( Min of Road and Transport)
What does by-passing mean? Is it to move away from conjested urbanised place? Does it now create new urban centers?
Outcomes : Policy Intervention
Map spatial distribution of water.
What new Infra for Water distribution are needed?
Stakeholder analysis maps
water provision instituitional mapping,
mapping areas of possible water conflicts in BMIC
Maps of future growth potential areas/corridors ( May be)
Policy Analysis topics
* Study existing Policy of BWSSB In Bangalore
* Water distribution system in Bangalore
* Study the New Bangalore Master Plan and Structure Plan 2013
* Study the Old Master Plan of BMIC 1996.
* Compare Old Master Plan vs New master Plan of BMIC
Thu, Sep 15, 2011
Concept Note of Self Study
Bangalore–Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (BMIC) intends to redirect development away from Bangalore in order to alleviate urban density in the interior and expand the overall space of Greater Bangalore to include new and old townships, small cities, village clusters and agricultural land.
Argument 1:
“economic geography” Allowing it to expand geographically- > more Urbanisation.
Therefore, new townships, corporate center, industrial center, farming/marketing center, ecotourism center or heritage center adjacent to rural setting, agriculture lands.
Also these townships will Lead to Leap Frog urban centers growth.
Vast contradictions. Rural Vs Urban.
Agriculture vs Industries. ( For water )
(Note : Mind you the land needed for this corridor is acquired and those villages which are just next to this corridor still exists.)
Argument 2 :
But why do these farmers sell their land?
Rural economy leaves the farmers few options but to sell their land at depressed prices to the government.
Difficulty proving ownership (especially women and the poor)
Land tenure relations in reflect deeply historical, localized, multilayered and intergenerational sets of informal agreements that have made it possible for laborers, village denizens to live and prosper
landowners vs non-owners. Conflicts in villages
Linkages with Institutions – new patterns of urbanization along corridors increased Role of new parastatal agencies such as KIADB, BWSSB, BMICLPA
What happens in Service Provisions. Example : Water- BWSSB ( In BMR region ) and KUWSDB( outside BMR region) will provide water to new towns , industries etc and farmers will lose livelihood.
(Looking at case study Basic Service Provision - water . Water is just a lense to look at spatial inequality created by this corridor)
Argument here is that :
Since BWSSB is overburdened to provide water in BMR itself , it is difficult for BWSSB to provide water to LPA. The main argument here is that, since there is limited water, this water will be given to townships and industries and in turn ignoring the Agriculture ( farmers ).
Should we in 1st place allow the Agriculture to die down??
Now if these industries pollute near by water bodies, ground water etc, this leads to farmers loosing their livelihood since they depend on these water bodies for livelihood. What effects this has on
I) farmers livelihood
ii) What are the differential impacts in a village, since not all will be impacted equally. The rich and well off villagers , hierarchy of caste , those who have access to power and can withstand these shocks ( Have Coping Strategies ) will be impacted less. ( Equity Dimension)
iii) Others who are most impacted, will migrate to urban centers in search of new livelihood opportunities.( Equity Dimension)
iv) This leads to break down of social- structures and loss of natural resources. ( Sustainable Livelihood Framework - Sustainable Dimension)
A central challenge to this type of corridor urbanization is the absence of regional governance structures that can regulate their growth, leading to “institutional fragmentation,” “continued spatial segregation of the villagers ,” “environmental challenges leading to destruction of water bodies” .
To understand this can I do a mapping of One entire village??
Argument 3 :
Then these rural people whose land is acquired in this corridor migrate to neighbouring
i ) villages ii) towns iii) cities.
Rationale: Rural urban migration is argued to both enhance economic growth and reduce rural-urban inequality, enabling cities to take advantage of scale economies, and people to abandon poor rural villages.
But the argument is that - Do these poor rural villages really benefit from this corridor? Studies have shown that they migrate the periperies, slums etc which are even more worse off. Leads to urban poverty. Growth of core and peripheral regions and Increasing spatial inequality.
(Again Looking at case study Basic Service Provision - water . Water is just a lense to look at spatial inequality created by this corridor.
1.Drinking Water requirement in the LPA
2.Population expected in LPA
3.Maximum water affordable to Bangalore
4.Integration of K.U.W.S & D.B and BWS & SB drinking water policies in the LPA so that there is no deficiency / overlap.
Step 1, 2, 4- KUWSDB and BWSSB have a policy on drinking water in BMICLPA. ( Assumption: I am Hopeful to get access to these Documents )
K.U.W.S & D.B policy on drinking water (covering the villages and urban centres not catered by BWS&SB).
B.W.S & S.B policy on drinking water in the Western and Eastern sectors of BMR
I think I will need to look at BWSSB estimation in BMR region and other sources of estimating Drinking Water Requirement for expected population.
Then I will have to cross check these estimated with Field Visits to villages and get the picture of villagers ( Village Sampling has to be done so that this data is represented in best way )
In step 3- Linkages of this data with Institution Mechanism.
Usage of Wagle Sir's Framework
My doubt - Should research provide a Prescription to Integration of KUWSDB and BWSSB so that there is no overlap?
Looking at overall Arguments from this Institution Mechanism?
Argument 4:
1.Possibility of drawing water from other sources
2.Linking of lakes / tanks in policy of water supply in LPA.
Now based on the above research, looking at other sources of water.
Argument : Since there are already existing sources of water in LPA, Policy of Water Supply should integrate all the sources of water in holistic manner to ensure Sustainable and Equitable
What are the parameters to measure this Sustainability ?
Thanks & Regards
Atul Kulkarni